Catedral De York

 ¿Qué ver en Catedral de york, York?

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The York Minster, located in the heart of York, is one of the largest Gothic cathedrals in Europe. Visitors can explore the stunning architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and beautiful choir stalls. The cathedral also houses a collection of historic artifacts and treasures, including the 14th-century Great East Window and the 16th-century Rose Window.

Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-4:30pm, Sunday 12:45pm-3pm
Admission prices: Adults £12, children (ages 8-16) £6
Official website:

Nearby attractions include the York Castle Museum, which explores the city's history through exhibits and interactive displays, and the Jorvik Viking Centre, a museum dedicated to the Viking history of York. The York City Walls, which date back to Roman times, offer a scenic walk around the city and provide stunning views of the cathedral and surrounding area.

Opening hours and admission prices for these attractions vary, so it's best to check their respective websites for up-to-date information.

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